Hi NL RUNNING Things are great! I am off to cross country nationals on Saturday! I've had an eventful year no doubt about that! I had a lot of consistent results early in the season, and then they started to improve later, I worked very hard right up until OFSAA.
It was a race I'll never forget, nor do I want to. I started the race like any other and 200m in lost my shoe... and with 200 bodies behind me pushing me forward I couldn't stop to get it. I continued on, and ran the whole 7km cross country with one single shoe, now unlucky enough for me the race was based on chip timing and I had lost the shoe with my chip on it. Then my luck turned around, a volunteer handed me my shoe in the final 100m for me to smack it on the mat to bring in an 83rd out of 262 participants finishing 3rd out of 5 on my team.
I then had to do 4 half hour sessions of laser therapy, to re-build the tissue in my foot, I was after bruising my heel bone and my plantar faschis (sp?). I was happy with the result considering!
I ran another provincial meet the next weekend, OTFA's, and finished 57th out of about 140. I then had to do 1 more session of laser. After all this I ran last weekend at an indoor meet in Ottawa taking the first 5 laps easy and planning to race the last mile. I came in with a time of 9:25 a full 14 seconds better then the 9:39 I ran this past summer. I plan to go out hard at Nationals, and see where it gets me.
Cheers, Liam.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Liam's Race Report
Read this race report excerpt from Liam Delaney on the antics from a recent race!