- Trent Burden 3:02:09 (2:58:42)
- Susan Abbass-Martyn 3:25:16 (3:22:38)
- Sean Kinden 3:27:29 (3:25:35)
- Noreen Neary 3:27:57 (3:25:23)
- Michael Jong 3:29:45 (3:29:36)
- Nancy Winchester 3:42:01 (3:40:53)
- Michael Coyne 3:43:00
- Jossee Hotton 3:48:22 (3:40:06)
- Mary Anne Griffin 3:49:37 (3:46:31)
- Joe Ryan 3:51:13 (3:48:50)
- Dean Simon 3:56:00 (3:54:40)
- Keith Butler / John Grant 4:05:40 (4:05:40)
- Paul Shea 4:23:40 (4:18:29)
- Judy Sheppard 4:29:26 (4:23:01)
- Bas Kavanagh 4:34:02 (4:23:42)
- Bruce Gellately 4:34:44 (4:26:27)
- Linda Hensman 4:35:44 (4:29:19)
- Weldon Chafe (4:52:02)
- Ann Chafe 5:01:22 (4:52:03)
- Darren Kaulback 5:02:41 (4:54:35)
Note the first time listed is the official gun time or the time from the starting gun to the finish line; second time (in brackets) is the personal chip time or the time from the start line to the finish line.