The clocks have gone ahead and believe it or not Good Friday is just over a week away, this year falling on Friday March 25.
Keeping with tradition there will be hundreds of runners pounding the pavement along Topsail Road, enjoying their personal practice run of the Tely 10 route.
Many will converge on McNamara Drive in Paradise for the traditional 10-mile trek to Bannerman Park and while individuals and groups have their own starting times, the largest crowd hits the start line at 9am.
Note this is NOT an official, organized, supported or sanctioned event in any way ... just a popular time and route for everyone on this particular day! If you do partake stay on the sidewalks and be careful out there! Everyone runs at their own risk and don't expect any marshals, traffic control or assistance of any kind. Find a few friends and carpool from the finish to the start.