The Nautilus Running Club is pleased to announce that Nicklas Dolomount is the winner of the 2017 Gerry Donovan Memorial Scholarship.
Nicklas is a resident of Corner Brook, currently studying Physical Education at Memorial University. He is a community volunteer, a triathlete and multi-sport athlete whom the selection committee felt embodies the qualities which Gerry possessed. The Scholarship valued at $1000 is presented annually to a deserving athlete who is pursuing post secondary studies in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Gerry Donovan was an athlete, volunteer and builder who died in January 2016. He competed provincially, nationally and internationally, as a runner, cyclist, cross-country skier, swimmer and triathlete. Gerry entered the first St. John's Triathlon and subsequently competed in 30 consecutive annual races, the only athlete to have done so.