Friday, May 25, 2018

Run The Rock For Children's Wish Starts July 22

H.M.C.S. ST. JOHN'S Run The Rock is an annual relay run across the province in support of Children's Wish Foundation. Last year Run The Rock raised over $110,000 and granted 11 wishes for sick children in Newfoundland & Labrador. With your support this year's event could bring the all-time total raised to more than $1 million!

CLICK HERE to make a pledge or view the schedule, and follow the team on Facebook or Twitter @RuntherockNL hashtag #runtherockNL.

If you would like to host the runners, or personally present them with a donation on behalf of your group, business or town, please or contact Dave Walsh by phone 1-800-267-WISH ext 8735 or by email