As the ponds start to warm up, the open water will soon be bobbing with wet suits as many NLRunners prepare for any or all of the this year's triathlons. Here's a summary of events and all can be found on our NL Running & MultiSport Calendar. Note that if you don't like the water there's always the team event!
Cancer Fighter Triathlon Corner Brook July 8
Short course tri on the west coast at Tippings Pond for all ages. Organized by Cycle Solutions and was formerly called the Strides Triathlon.
Carbonear Sprint July 15
Organizers have added a short-distance Tri-a-Tri event for beginners. But even the sprint distance is quite manageable for first-timers with a 500m shallow pond swim, 18k bike and 5k run.
Humber Valley Triathlon July 29
The traditional Corner Brook Triathlon has moved to Pasadena and now rebranded as the Humber Valley Triathlon.
St. John's Triathlon August 5
Flagship event on the east coast including sprint, olympic and team events. HUGE need for volunteers so please consider helping ... CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER or email
Paradise Triathlon August 26
Sprint distances with a "Super Sprint" added this year for ages 13-16. Also a chance to win some prize money!! A call out for help with this race ... CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER or email