Congratulations to Dean Alyward who captured 6th place overall with a time of 2:40:22 at yesterday's Toronto Marathon. Other NL Runners who ran away were Tony Poole (3:40:53), Robert Hyslop (3:58:01) Mahlodi Tau (4:11:07), Dean Doyle (4:13:07), Paul Churchill (4:18:43) and Jefferson McCreath (4:22:32).
Many of our friends from St.Pierre-Miquelon also ran including Claudio Arthur (2:47:31), Christian Dianon (2:59:02), Benoit Quedinet (3:00:18), Jean-Louis Rabottin (3:27:29), Jean-Jacques Plaa (3:37:42) and Denis Claireaux (3:41:51).